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Protecting FamilyListen to a local news station using a battery-powered portable radio so you can receive the latest weather updates and follow the emergency instructions or procedures recommended. Whether you'll be evacuating or waiting out the flood at home, gather a kit of emergency supplies, including a few days worth of clean water and nonperishable food such as granola bars, crackers, fruit, peanut butter and dry cereal; extra batteries for your radio; a cell phone; a flashlight with extra batteries; warm clothing; a blanket for each person; baby wipes; any prescriptions, medications or medical supplies you require regularly; essential paperwork such as insurance policies and baby supplies such as diapers and food if you have a baby. Determine an evacuation route and a safe meeting place for all household members and nearby family members in case of separation; the meeting place should be outside the flood disaster zone. Write down the address and phone number of this location and make sure all of your household members have the information. If you have a pet, locate an emergency shelter that accepts animals as most shelters designated for people will not accept pets. Take this step even if you plan to evacuate to a motel, hotel or a friend or family's home in case you cannot make it to your destination and need to seek out a shelter.Protecting PropertyTurn off all utilities using your home's main power switch and close the main gas valve; then, disconnect all electrical appliances. Turning your and freezer to the coldest temperature setting will help preserve food as long as possible. Move your most valued items such as family photographs, heirlooms, artwork and expensive electronics to the top floor of your home. If you have time, bring in outdoor furniture, trash cans, grills and other items or tie them down where they stand using heavy duty rope.

MOST IMPORTANTLY, make sure you are all safe! Good luck!

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