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Well, first of all, dont be bulimic, it will just hurt you. Diet and exercise are less extreme Second of all, if bulimia doesnt help, pills. And all that fat free food. That will help tremendously. And some total.

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Q: What should you do if bulimia doesn't help you lose weight?
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Is it normal to throw up blood when youre purging when you have bulimia?

No, it is not, nether is suffering from bulimia. You need help and should see your doctor.

Does acupture help weight loss?

no it doesnt

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No it doesnt help at all.

What are the ethical issues of bulimia?

a person may have depression or other issues including weight worries so vommits after eating thinking this will help lose weight

Can people with bulimia fall within the normal range for their age and weight?

Yes, they can. You can be any weight and still have an eating disorder. Weight doesn't determine anything; especially not beauty or worth. If you or someone you know feel like you may have bulimia, please please please get some help.

Does drinking a shot of whisky after workout help you lose weight?

No it doesnt, it makes you put ON WEIGHT.

How can a mother contribute to a young woman's development of bulimia?

Family pressures also may play a role. One study found that mothers who are extremely concerned about their daughters' physical attractiveness and weight may help to cause bulimia.

Did Oprah Winfrey have anorexia or bulimia?

There are a lot of rumors that fly around about that, but as of now none are confirmed so no. She does have a trianer to help her lsoe weight and get in shape, though.

How can you get anorexia and bulimia?

Well anorexia and bulimia aren't contagious, their eating disorders that you get when you think your fat (Even if your not) for anorexia you limit your portions down to almost nothing and lose a lot of weight, for bulimia you do eat food but you vomit it back up shortly after eating it. Both are extremely unhealthy and if you think you have it contact a friend or parent or doctor and get help.

Do bulimia turn to anorexics?

Yes it is very possible that this would happen unless the person got help. They may feel like they are putting on weight after they recover because this happens if you have bulimia, you put weight on easily and so out of guilt they may turn to not eating it is all psycholgical so it depends really :P hope that helped

How do you overcome bulimia?

Bulimia is a dangerous and sometimes fetal eating disorder. If you or a friend has it, tell an adult IMMEDIATELY! They can help you or your friend overcome bulimia. And it is your friend who has bulimia and you are scared that if you tell she will be mad, don't be. she might be mad now but she will thank you later.

How do you prevent anorexia and bulimia?

Anorexia and bulimia, while eating disorders, are primarily mental disorders. I believe to cure the person of these diseases, they should seek psychiatric advice and learn to love their bodies.