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You should rinse them with pure water and then dry them thoroughly. Make sure you do not scratch the lens, and take care that the raising/lowering mechanism isn't contaminated.

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9y ago

Block it, mark it, and slop it, meaning, prevent someone from slipping by marking/placing Slippery When Wet sign, and get it cleaned up.

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Q: What should you do if the objective or stage of a microwave gets wet?
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What happens to a fly in the microwave?

it gets nuked

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Microwave would be easier because no oil has to be measured out and no pot gets dirty.

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It crackles and pops. You would probably have to get a new microwave if you attempted this at home.

What happpens if you microwave whipped cream?

it gets hot and it tasted baddd!!

Why do you have water in your microwave?

Heya guys, Its because It gets extremely hot in the Microwave when its on, so when the steam rises from the food, it moves around and then sticks to the side of the Microwave and after a while the steam will turn into water. When you see steam on the walls inside of something, for example a Microwave or Kettle, its called Condensation. Fizzysweete

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How the temperature relates with the amplitude of the microwave oven.Is it the different temperature gives the different amplitude for microwave?

No, it's not. The amplitude of the microwave power in the oven is constant. But the longer you leave something inside, the hotter it gets.

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According to the Roundup PowerMax label (see the link below), anytime from emergence through the 8-leaf stage, or corn gets 30 inches high, whichever comes first.

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keep it in the frig. when it gets hard, it will soften in the microwave.