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You should try to get out first. If you're unable to get out, call 911. If you don't have a phone with you, you're unlucky, and probably will have to wait for someone to get you out.

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Q: What should you do if trapped under debris by an earthquake?
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What position should you stay in during an earthquake?

Drop to the ground, take cover under a sturdy piece of furniture, and hold on until the shaking stops to protect yourself from falling debris and injury. Avoid doorways and windows, as they can be dangerous during an earthquake. If you are outdoors, move to an open area away from buildings, trees, streetlights, and utility wires.

Should you stay in a bath tub during earthquake?

No, during a tornado you should. During an earthquake, stop whatever you are doing, get under a sturdy structure like a table or doorframe, and cover your head.

Why do more people die after and earthquake than during?

Because they get trapped in and under rubble and theres mostly aftershocks, people also choke on the dust and children cannot breathe as well in dust as adults can.

Are you safest staying inside a building when an earthquake occurs?

the second an Earthquake hits you should run as fast as you can to a doorway (for example the Kitchen, Living room or a Bedroom and wait there until the Earthquake passes so that nothing heavy falls on you if a big Earthquake... that's what I did when we had an Earthquake in 2000, again in 2008 I think and again in 2010 and as far as the Earthquake in 2000 that we had goes I was sleeping that morning on January 1st 2000 when I heard a noise from very far so I rushed out of bed and somehow knew an Earthquake was coming and as soon as I rushed in my Bedroom doorway the whole house started shaking like crazy lol!!!.

What shouldn't you do during an earthquake?

During an earthquake, you should not run out of a building as you may be injured by falling debris. Avoid standing near windows, mirrors, or other glass objects that could shatter. Do not use elevators during an earthquake, and try to stay calm and take cover under a sturdy piece of furniture.

Related questions

How are people usually killed in an earthquake?

Most commonly by being buried under debris that crushes them.

How did Pompeii take place?

An earthquake under the volcano caused Mt Vesuvius to erupt and bury the town under volcanic debris.

Why did the Pompeii take place?

An earthquake under the volcano caused Mt Vesuvius to erupt and bury the town under volcanic debris.

How does jin die in lost?

Jin in a submarine in which he and others were trying to escape the island. He drowned because he got trapped under debris.

Why are dogs used to locate people trapped under earthquake rubble?

To save the people underneath so they don't die.

What is a sentence using the word piteous?

The rescued cat was in a piteous state after spending days trapped under the earthquake rubble.

Why is it important to start rescue missions immediately following an earthquake?

Not only is it important to find people that may be trapped under debris, buildings, etc., but earthquakes can disrupt water, sewer, and electrical service, as well as normal routes for food delivery and so forth. Hospitals can only run on generators for so long, so restoring utilities has to start immediately after an earthquake, as well as digging for survivors.

What are the thing that you should do if there is an earthquake?

you should go under something hard

What do you do if you are outside and an earthquake starts?

you look for a good shelter or get out of the city or where ever you are. if you are trapped inside go in a metal box ,under the bed ,ECT

What should you do before the earthquake?

get under something heavy

What happened to the character Sun in the TV series Lost?

Sun, drowned in the escaping submarine because she refused to leave her husband, Jin, who was trapped under debris.

Who is SPARTAN-N93 from the Halo Universe?

Mike is a Spartan Commando (aka Spartan III) who is MIA with SPARTAN-168. He is trapped under a debris of rock in a camp.