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It depends on the situation. If you are in the left lane of a multi lane highway then you should move to the right lane and let the faster vehicles pass safely. If you are in the right lane on a two lane road then you should slow down enough so as to allow the tailgating vehicle to safely pass you on the left. Never make any gestures or actions that display your possible aggrivation with the other driver. This is road rage and will only escallate the situation. Let them pass. If they want to be first on scene at their own accident then let them and don't join them.

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Q: What should you do if you are being tailgated?
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If you're being tailgated how many seconds gap should be between you and the car ahead of you?

2 seconds is the safe distance.

Drivers being tailgated are advised to?

lightly tap your brakes

How do you know if you are tailgating or being tailgated?

You're tailgating if you're way too close to the car in front of you and you're being tailgated if ther car behind you flashes their lights at you as a sing for you to get out of the way for being too slow. They might even bump you

What should you do if you're being tailgated?

Drive safe and follow the rules. Drive to the nearest police station if you know where it is, or cal 9-1-1. Do not break the law or show off.

Is it recommended that if you're being tailgated you keep a second gap between you and the car ahead of you?

Yes. But if you are being tailgated there is little you can do to ensure the car behind you is the appropriate distance. If you slow down enough, the gap between you and the car ahead of you may encourage the vehicle behind to pass you and move into that empty spot in front of you.

When driving in the fast lane if you are tailgated the best thing to do is?

Move out of the way.

When being tailgated should you speed up or slow down?

My view is that it's best to slow right down so the tailgater ends up having to back off or they'll end up going so slowly they'll be at a stop. It's always seemed a bad plan to get faster and faster til you lose them, as obviously there really is no way of knowing how fast you're going to end up going. And if the tailgater speeds up with you, if they do end up crashing into you, at a high speed this will do a lot of damage.

If you are being passed you should?

When you are being passed you should stay in your lane and maintain your speed.

Can you sue for emotional damages a month ago a truck that belongs to an international company rearended you and now anxious to drive to the point of shaking and crying when a car tailgated you today?

If you exchanged insurance and have a valid claim plus evidence of said claim, then yes you could.

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How odd. She should simply be inert.

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