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Well usually you will fill a lot of discomfort. You would normally fix it up with a bandage but if bleeding persist or worsens (which means you have hit a nerve) go to the emergency room.

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Q: What should you do if you get poked by an earring under your fingernail?
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Is there more Germs on a fingernail than a toilet seat?

There are more germs under a fingernail than on a toilet seat!

What is name of the epithelial tissue under the fingernail?

Loose areolar

What is under your fingernails?

Under your fingernail, you may have germs that can you make sick.

Can sperm survive under a fingernail?

That is not their usual habitat, but some could probably hang in there for a short time.

How does a poke show up on facebook?

You go to someones profile and under their name there should be a list of options, poke should be one of them. or when you just log on and someone else has poked you. on your homepage it will be on the right hand side. and then you are able to poke back.

What causes the red color at the tip under fingernail?

because yello colour is over we put red

Does fingernail polish help get rid of ringworm?

Well actually no. Highly unlikely...ringworm is a fungus that grows under the skin and thrives in a moist environment. Covering the lesion with fingernail polish will hold moisture in and probably improve your crop of fungus.

How do you retrieve an earring dropped into sink pipe?

Funny you ask this question as i was just thinking about it the day regarding a ring. well the answer to this question is either, im sorry the earring is gone or you have a chance of getting it back. Firstly, was the water running when it dropped into the sink and for how long? if long then give up now and go buy new earrings. if not too long or you didn't run the water at all you may be in luck somehow. This now depends on the set-up under your sink. if no water or a small amount of water went into the sink along with your earring then chances are the earring is sitting inside the sink trap. you need to take this trap off and retrieve your earring. if you have a black rubber type trap you can unscrew the two clamps holding it on and take the earring out or if you have a bottle trap then the cylinder can unscrew and then take the earring out. If nothing is found then the earring is gone, into the sewer and gone forever

What does is mean when wake up with black stuff under your one fingernail?

I guess it means that you scrached your skin in your sleep ! and dead skin cells are that black think under your fingernails

Why does a rhino have a big sharp nose?

That is not the nose. It is the horn, made up of keratin, the same as your fingernail. The nose is located under the horn.

Why is there more bacteria under a fingernail than under a toilet seat?

Because it is warm and moist under finger nails. and it is normally quite cold and dry under toilet seats. the conditions for life are far more favourable under the finger nails.

I have a small ball under the skin in my upper thigh. i was curious and poked into it with a small needle. a white substance with alittle blood came out. what is it and should i be worried?

You should call your Dr tomorrow and schedule an appointment. I'm not a Dr but I know that there are several things that it could be. But most important is to make sure it doesn't get infected.