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Take it in the butt.

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Q: What should you do if you get your period while you are on a date with your biggest crush?
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Is it true that having a crush can make you miss your period?

No, it's not possible to miss your period if you just have a crush on someone. Not even being in love makes you miss it, only being pregnant. And when you first get your period they are not regular, it takes a while for them to become regular.

Does Alyson Kiperman fight?

Yeah she kicked butt in power rangers wild force and still looked pretty while doing it she is so beautiful I have the biggest crush on her

Can you still get your period while your pregnant?

Some women have bleeding while pregnant that they think is their period, but bleeding while pregnant is NOT normal and should be evaluated by an OBYN!

How do you let a guy know you have a crush on him?

You can give him signs not big ones but he should click in after a while give him personel quizzes about you and him and he should get the point.

While I'm in my period and i want to stop it what should i do?

Hold it in. (:

Does a period or comma come before the footnote?

A period should come before the footnote at the end of a sentence, while a comma should not.

What do I since my crush rejected me and I still have a crush on them?

if he/she rejected you then you can still crush on him but JACK RODGERS I HAVE A CRUSH ON YOU but im going out with myles. but the person must be nice and you to can still be friends im sorry jack i wasted your time demi-leigh from school foxborough middle school xx

Are there certain foods that should or should not be eaten while having your period?

no, not really, but tea helps cramps

Should girls cut grass while on their period?

It won't hurt anything.

Can you take ecstasy while on your period?

Whoever you are, you should not be taking ecstasy, no matter when.

Should you ask your crush to hang out this weekend?

That's your decision. It depends how old you are... If you have a car and can drive, I'd ask him to meat at a food place and hang out there for a while just to get started and give your crush an idea of yourself.

How do you get over a big crush?

the only way you can get over a crush is to not think about that person for some while and then when you get used to it you won't have a big crush on that person.