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get a diffenrant cage the rabbit will be un comfertable imagion if you were walking on cold wire all day get on ewith a wood bottom orput some grass/hay on the floor

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Q: What should you do if you have a wire bottom rabbit cage?
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Can a rabbit dig his way out of a cage on the ground?

If there is no wire in the bottom they certainly can and will dig out.

Should a rabbit hutch have a floor or no floor?

Not necessarily. The size and type of enclosure you choose depends on what the rabbit is being kept for, whether family pet, show quality, or breeding for meat. Whatever the reason, a rabbit must have a safe, secure cage to protect it from predators (including other family pets), with enough room for litter, food and water dishes, and to lie down, sit up, and move around. As well, air flow is important, so solid sided enclosures like aquariums are not recommended. Finally, a platform to rest on is essential; standing on wire bottoms all the time will seriously injure your rabbit's paws.

Which Cage Is Right For A short haired hamster?

A wire cage with a plastic bottom.

Is a guinea pig cage the same size as a rabbit cage?

No I would get a slightly smaller cage than a rabbit cage guinea pigs are a little bit smaller than rabbits so they don't needquite as much space. Also take into consideration that rabbits have paws and guinea pigs have instead very sensitive feet so it is not advisable to put a guinea pig in a cage designed for rabbits. This is because rabbit cages often have a wire bottom which makes cleaning a lot easier, however a wire bottom will definitely hurt the guinea pigs feet- sometimes to the point in which they have to see a vet for treatment.

How can one make a cheap rabbit trap?

One can make a cheap rabbit trap using a length of wood to make the bottom of a cage. Surround it with stiff metal wires and construct a trap door mechanism on a wire to close once the rabbit has moved inside.

How many times do a week do you clean a raddits cage?

depends on your cage - wire bottom - once a week. Solid bottom - every day.

Is a wire bottom or a wood bottom better for a rabbit nest box?

A wire bottom in summer to promote air circulation. And a wood bottom in winter to prevent drafts.

What does matted fur on the bottom of its cage do to a rabbit?

first answer: It doesn't do anything to the rabbit, but it's a sign that the rabbit is sick or injured and requires veterinary attention. See the related questions below for more information, and links. more info: it can cause sore hocks witch is very irritating to rabbits and could very well irritate them to death i suggest brushing out your cage once a week with a wire brush it will get rid of all excessive hair and then put a untreated piece of wood in the bottom of the cage so they don't get sore hocks

Could a guinea pig go on your chinchillas cage?

No they need a cage with no wire bottom floor try making a c&c cage.

Why is a plastic cage appropriate for a hamster?

The best kind of cage you can get for your hamster is a wire cage with a plastic bottom. It is well ventilated and the hamster can climb.

Is it good to have mesh on the bottom of your rabbits cage?

Yes and no. Wire mesh (not chicken wire) is good so they can let everything through, but rabbits like to have an area that they can rest and feel comfortable and I don't know about you but I would not enjoy being on wire all day. My suggestion is to put a flat sheet of wood in a corner of its cage, big enough for the rabbit to sit on, but also is away from the area that they do their business. Your rabbit may try to move the wood but (at least in my experience) they will get used to it and enjoy it.

A rabbit keeps digging food out of its dish why would it do that?

Short answer, boredom. Or your rabbit may be seeking a favorite grain if you feed a grain in addition to a rabbit pellet. Solution get a feeder that hangs from/through your rabbit's cage (they have a wire bottom which allows dust to filter off the feed) and hang about 6 inches up from the floor. This may not be a total solution but will help considerably.