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Q: What should you do if your cat eats a lightning bug?
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Related questions

What are the symptoms if a cat eats a poisonous bug?

it dies or has diarehha

Is it okay if your cat eats broccli?

No they should eat cat food

What happens if a cat eats a pretzel?

Nothing but they should only have cat food.

What to give to cat WHO EATS all the time but does not gain weight?

If your cat eats so much but does not gain weight it may mean that your cat is diabetic and should be taken to a veterinarian.

Is smantha a good name for a cat who eats chicken because you have a cat who eats chicken?

my cat eats chicken yes it is a good name for a cat that eat chicken

Why does your cat eat its own pooh?

IT doesn't eat pooh. No cat eats pooh it eats cat food.

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What can happen if your cat eats watercolor paint?

If your cat eats watercolor paint that is non-toxic, they should be fine. They may become ill if they eat a watercolor paint that is made toxic ingredients like cobalt or cadmium and you should contact your vet.

Is a cat a herbirvore?

No a cat eats meat

If a cat eats a pea will it die?

One pea is unlikely to have any damaging effects on a cat, but peas have no nutritional value to a cat so should not be fed often.

Can too many bugs make a cat vomit?

Yes, a cat can vomit if it eats too many bugs. Also, certain bugs give off distinct fluids which were designed to give protection to the bug to ward off prey.

What does a cat become when it eats a lemon?

A cat who eats a lemon becomes a sour puss.