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It wont do it any harm,however if you are concerned just rub a little hand softening lotion on it.

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Q: What should you do if your foreskin gets dry after you wash it with soap?
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Its depends on what type of soap but if you using bath soap then you should do on what bath soap dries out faster but if it's soap you wash your clothes in then you should do it on see what what soap gets out the stain best

What to do if antifreeze gets on your hands?

Wash with soap and water.

How do men clean their penises?

Keeping penis clean is very important. 1.) Gently pull the foreskin back. 2.) Rinse with warm water only. Soap under the foreskin can cause irritation and swelling. 3.) Pull the foreskin back in place over the head of your penis. Circumcised men can directly use warm water and soap and clean it carefully.

What should you do if a cut gets red and kind of puffy?

Wash it with soap and water and then put on some antibacterial cream and a bandaid.

How do you wash the head of your penis?

Pull the foreskin back & using a mild facial or non deodorant soap wash it as you would the hands or face & be sure to rinse well, the soap residue will cause irritation if you don't rinse well.

What do you wash raccoons with?

~anything but soap and water or stuff that gets them clean~

Can you wash a dog with Ajax?

No! NEVER! they have dog wash for a reason! Some dogs can have bad allergic reactions to human soaps or if it gets in there eyes it will hurt them or they will act out in frustration. If you were to wash your dog with any human soap it should be baby wash.

How do you get rid of cheesy bell?

i you have knob cheese please wash your foreskin in the bath with soap. Also make sure you dry your bell end with a towel

How often should you condition your bridle?

wash with saddle soap and rub with neats foot oil every couple of months or whenever it gets dirty

Can you wash your dreadlocks with goat's milk soap?

You can wash dreadlocks with any type of soap or shampoo, BUT residue-free shampoo is what you should be using.

How often should you wash your penis?

Every day, when one takes a bath; And DEFINITELY after the sex (including masturbation); and wash thoroughly by removing foreskin

Is it ok to wash your hair with body wash?

Soap is soap.