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There are a few things you could do if your hair color is fading.

One thing you could do is to start using shampoo that is proven to shine your hair. There are many kinds of shampoo that will be proven to shine your hair, which could rejuvenate your hair color.

Another thing you could do is to simply dye your hair. Most people do it when their hair color is fading, and is a faster, but less effective, alternative to waiting a while for the hair shining shampoo to kick in.

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Q: What should you do if your hair color is fading?
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It depends on your hair color. This is just my opinion, if you have black hair or red hair, I don't know what color. If you have brown hair you should get blond highlights and if you have blond hair you should get brown highlights.

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the pigment is fading in your hair

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There is no color you "should" dye your's whatever color you want to dye it!

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if your hair is dyed blonde u would wash it with color shampoo. oh and by th way u spelled blonde wrong

Does splat hair dye come out when you wash it?

Splat hair color is not a permanent color it is a semi permanent color over bleached out hair, once the melanin (color) is removed from the hair the hair is very porous meaning it absorbs like a sponge and the cuticle of the hair is open so once you have put a semi permanent over it which just deposits that cuticle is still open leading to the color fading out!

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Should hair color be put on with wet or dry hair?

The general rule is that hair color should be applied to DRY hair, as wet hair will dilute the hair color mixture. Only on occasion should color be applied to wet hair, IE. When toning at the shampoo bowl immediately following a bleaching service.

Color treated hair?

Color treated hair can be damaged easily. Color treated hair can break easily as well. Color treated hair should be conditioned on a regular basis.

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