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that is very very simple go to the vet QUICKLY HHHHHHHUUUUUUUUUURRRRRRRYYYYYYY

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16y ago
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12y ago

You kiss it till it goes back to normal ive had the experience :D

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11y ago

Take it to the vet right away if its bum and belly is kinda wet also, it has wet tail and you need to take care of it.vut for sure take it to the vet

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Q: What should you do if your hamsters leg is purple and swollen?
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My guinea pig got her leg stuck in the cage wire and now its purple and swollen what should I do?

Bring her to the vet right away. It could be badly bruised.

Swollen leg and rash?

The swollen leg and a rash maybe a sign of cellulitis. Gram staining should be done and antibiotics will be given.

What do you do If your hamsters leg is swollen?

Take it to the vet and see what they have to say.

Is it bad when a hamsters leg turns blue?

A hamsters leg shouldn't turn blue. If it does, seek veterinarian attention immediately.

Im tierd my glands are swollen on left side left leg swollen What is this?

You may have an infection in your lymph nodes. You should seek the advice from your physician and get some rest.Ê

How do hamsters leg get broken?

If they fall.

Can hamsters break a leg?

Yeah, its possible.

What to do for dog's swollen painful leg?

Take it to the vet.

What should you do if your guinea pig has a purple leg but it is not swollen?

I would go to the vet annd get it checked out. This could be a green shoot fracture. It wont cause the leg to swell, this needs to be seen by a vet as guinea pigs can get ill very fast.

Are hamsters fur color important?

well, there are ALOT of hamsters with different colors! Some hamsters can change their fur color in different seasons but only a little bit. You should check if your hamsters fur is soft because that's a good healthy sign.

Should leg and ankle be swollen after 4 weeks of arthroscopic surgery?

The leg and ankle may have slight swelling from arthoscopic surgery after 4 weeks. A doctor should be consulted after surgery to make sure things are healing correctly.

If Your hamster has a broken leg should you put it to sleep?

Depending on the severity of the break. Some hamsters adjust well with a broken limb. As most vets will not treat this in hamsters, or if they do, the bill outweighs the value of the hamster.