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The best thing to do to a guinea pig with badly matted hair is to cut it off.

Trying to brush it out could hurt the guinea pig.

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Q: What should you do when your guinea pig is really long haired and has matts in its hair and won't let you brush them out?
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Do you comb a short haired guinea pig?

You can comb your short haired guinea pig if you want, with a very soft baby brush, but youdon'tneed to unless of course when your bonding with your guinea pig or for a male cleaning there grease gland, there shouldn't really be any need to.

What type of guinea pigs should you get?

It depends on what your looking for. Long haired guinea pigs are a little more high maintence because you have to brush them and cut there hair on there bottom. Other then that it just depends on the guinea pigs personality.

How long should you brush your guinea pig?

you should probably brush your Guinea Pig for about 5-10 minutes

How offten do you brush your guinea pig?

I usually brush my guineapigs once a week.Long haired guineapigs might need to be brushed twice a week to prevent their fur becoming tangled.

Is it good to bathe guinea pigs?

Short haired guinea pigs don't need bathing a lot, maybe once a month or so. For long haired i would suggest once or twice a month (maybe depending on how dirty they are). You can also buy a grooming brush from the pet store esp for them.

How are long haired cats and short haired cats groomed differently?

long haired cats need constent grooming and a long bristled brush to get all the matting out. short haired cats need grooming once a week or maybe twice with a rubber brush or a special brush.

Can you brush a gerbil with a tooth brush?

ANSWER 1Most certainly! ( soft brush head)ANSWER 2NO! Most certainly not! That would just be cruel I've had 3 guinea pigs.... never brush a gerbils teeth they will get really upset and really mad and aggressive.

Does guinea pig need groom?

Guinea pigs are usually able to groom themselves, but it's best if you give them a hand sometimes. You can get a special brush from the pet store for them. If your guinea pig breed has long hair (peruvian, silkie, abbysinian) then you should groom them quite often, as their hair drags on the ground and can get very dirty. If you have med-short haired (american, short haired) then you won't have to groom them a lot as they should be able to take care of themselves. You can give them baths once every month or so, but for the long haired i recommend once or twice every month. In winter i wouldn't give them a bath as it can be very cold, but maybe once if you have to, but spring and summer are the best seasons to clean your guinea pig.

Is there a difference between long haired and short haired hamsters?

If you have a short haired hamster you wouldn't have to deal with knots in the hair, a long haired hamster has long hair that you would have to brush everyday. I have a hamster with extremely long hair and i brush everyday. That what keeps knots out of the hair. It also makes it soft. DO NOT CUT ITS HAIR, unless it is used to your hand and will stay very still. If you have a short haired hamster you don't have to brush it as much. Use a soft tipped toothbrush when brushing the fur.

Do you brush guinea pigs teeth?


What kind of brush do short haired dogs need?

short haired dogs need rubber brushes to be groomed with if u have a wire brush dont use it,it could damage the skin short haired dogs need rubber brushes to be groomed with if u have a wire brush dont use it,it could damage the skin

Which comb is best for your dog?

Brushes...If you have a long haired dog, you will have to use a wire brush. (To reduce shedding: comb toward the neck, not toward the tail). I think a rubber brush is used for short haired dogs, but I am not sure. I do know you can use a wire brush on short haired dogs, though.AnswerThere is a bathing brush called a Zoom Groom that works wonders with dry hair too.