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You're going to have to sand it off. Use a buff stick with a coarse-grit abrasive to do it. And in the future, please use base coat under any nail polish you wear; this will keep your nails from staining.

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14y ago

you use a clear base coat. they sell it wherever they have nail polish. oh btw, if your nails are already yellow, soak them in lemon juice, it might help get rid of the stains

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14y ago

before you go tanning in a tan bed you should put clear nail polish over your nails

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14y ago

suck ur thumb for 24 hours and

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Q: What should you do when your nails turn yellow?
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How do you know if you have a fungal nail infection?

Your nails turn crumble, and drop off and turn orangy yellow!

Why do nails turn yellow after a period of time and length?

i really dont know !!!

Why is my nail polish turning my nails yelow?

It shouldn't, nor should nail polish remover. Typical things that turn nails yellow are exposure to tobacco and smoking, exposure to the spice, turmeric and fungal infections. If your toenails are yellow too, think more in terms of a possible infection. - Use a base coat or top coat before you apply the color polish to your nails and then when you remove it your nails shouldn't be yellow!

Should you use nail polish every once in a while so it won't damage your nail?

yes. if you use wear it too often your nails will turn yellow.

How do you get out yellow stains out o f your nails from nailpolish?

You can file on top of your nails but that wont completely do the trick. You should get a whitening toothpaste and a toothbrush and scrub the nails and then soak the nails in lemon juice and scrub them. This should do it but if not you can use bleach on a q-tip to scrub the yellow out. Be careful with bleach though and wash your hands a lot after! (:

Is pencil eyeliner harmful if it gets in your eyes?

Yes, even if you put it onto the inner lip of you eye then it can turn your eyes yellow, just like nail polish can turn your nails yellow!

Does cheap nail polish make your nails turn a different color?

i dont think they do but dark colours such as black may stain your nails yellow so put on an undercoat

Is nail polish good for your fingertoe nails?

I dont know wat FINGERTOE nails are but: Finger nails: its fine to wear nail polish on your finger nails. Dont keep it on for a long period of time because your nails will yellow ( which is NOT a pretty sight ) Try using nail hardeners by Sally Hansen. They worked for me and my nails are now LONG!!! Toe Nails: Toe are fine to paint. There actually easier to paint then finger nails. Once again you can use nail hardeners and that will make them stronger but remember to take it off in a couple of weeks so your toe nails wont turn YELLOW!

What color should I get my nails done?


Why are your thumb nails yellow?

If your thumb nails are yellow, this could be because you smoke. It could also be due to problems with nutritional imbalances.

Why nails are yellow sometimes?

Yellow nails are sometimes due to stains such as by saffron or turmeric. If not by food, the nails may be yellow due to fungus or underlying health issues. Such possible health issues include psoriasis or Type II diabetes.

What are the Disadvantages of sculpting nails?

after getting them done, if you don't keep them up they'll begin to bleed because the professionals file down the acutual nail.