

What should you feed my catfish in my goldfish aquarium?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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12y ago

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be careful the cat fish doesn't eat the goldfish if you have any and feed it feeder fish fish flakes or maybe even fiddler crabs. my catfish ate them

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Q: What should you feed my catfish in my goldfish aquarium?
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Can you feed a goldfish frozen peas?

I feed my catfish macaroni, frozen peas should be fine for a catfish. If the fish cant swallow something, generally it cant fit it in its mouth. Plus, they swim in their own feces, vegetables won't harm it.

Can goldfish eat soup?

You should not feed goldfish soup.

Can goldfish eat tropical fish food?

yesYes, they can. Goldfish can eat tropical fish food my Goldfish loves it! Except catfish need those tablet food they CANNOT eat tropical fish food! hope this helps XD

How much do you feed a goldfish?

You should feed your Goldfish a maximum of twice a day for about 2 minutes making sure all the food doesn't sink to the bottom. If a lot of food does sink to the bottom be sure to remove it to prevent it from rotting in your aquarium which could case all sorts of problems.

What should you feed your goldfish other than goldfish flakes but full of fiber?

you can feed them peas or zucchini

Do Albino Catfish and Goldfish get along?

Yes they are! This is because goldfish and catfish eat different food stuffs and have different behaviors/ habits. Catfish like to hide out around/ under objects and mostly eat food from the bottom of your fishtank. Catfish eat the algae in your tank and will need supplementary food [expensive] before it is all gone not just because of starvation but because they also need other minerals and proteins. Goldfish are passive creatures and will not harm the catfish. Gold fish often come up to where you feed them, which is usually right at the very top waterline. Try a similar sized catfish or two [like a bristlenose] to your goldfish and don't put more fish in than the number that will fit end to end over your tanks long side.

How many times should you feed your goldfish?

5 times a day

At what time should we feed our goldfish?

at least three times daily

Can catfish be put with goldfish?

Cats can and will eat your fishy friends. It is always a good idea to keep fish bowls and aquariums. Fish occasionally like to jump out of their homes. Yes, catfish can and will eat goldfish, and any other fish smaller than they are.

How do you make gold fishes happy?

Goldfish are relatively easy to make happy. They require the same elements as most pet fish, proper housing, good water quality, and food. A goldfish aquarium should not generally be smaller than 10 gallons, as all goldfish get relatively large. The aquarium should be equipped with a filter of some type, generally the hang on the back variety, or 'power filter' is the easiest to implement. No more than about 3-4 smallish goldfish should be kept in a 10 gallon tank as they are messy and get quite large. Do not equip the tank with a heater, as goldfish are coldwater fish and will do much better if the aquarium is kept in the 60's and 70's Fahrenheit. A 25% water change should be performed weekly using a gravel washer to remove the fish's wastes and leftover food, and the filter cartridge on the filter should be changed every few weeks, at a time when you are NOT doing a water change. Beyond that, feed your goldfish a quality goldfish flake or pellet, such as New Life Spectrum goldfish pellets (you can get them online at

What Should you feed your common goldfish?

Thee are special flakes labeled just for goldfish readily available at most stores.

How much money does it cost to feed a goldfish?

It costs about ten to twelve dollars a year. Than number can rise depending on the cost on the aquarium you use to house the fish.