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If the vomiting is not too severe, you can treat it at home with little difficulty.

For the first two hours of the attack, do not try to put anything in your stomach. Small sips of water to keep the mouth moistened may be used, but do not try to ingest large amounts.

During the third hour, try to ingest water and a bland edible, such as a soda cracker. Do this very slowly, paying attention to the feelings of nausea.

If the cracker stays down, then add Ginger Ale to the mix because ginger does help calm the stomach. More crackers to add salt to the sugar in the ginger ale.

The biggest danger with this condition is dehydration, so it is important to consistently try to keep water coming in. After the two hour period, intake as much as will keep you comfortable. The important thing is to get salt and sugar into the system. Jello is a good second food to add.

If the diarrhea or the vomiting contains blood, see your health care provider immediately as this can be a serious condition that cannot be self treated. Also see the provider if the patient is lethargic, has skin that does not spring back when pinched, or has pain other than the nausea as this can be a sign of dehydration.

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Q: What should you give a person who has diarrhoea and vomiting?
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