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1. Your Driving Record will be tarnished. 2. Blood Alcohol Test Fine - you will be required to pay for this out of pocket. 3. Your insurance will increase. 4. You will be suspended from driving for a period of time. 5. Your car could be impounded. 6. You may need to hire a lawyer. 7.Ignition Interlock Device may need to be installed in your vehicle.

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Q: What should you know about DUI penalties?
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What are DUI laws and penalties in Georgia?

You can get information on the Georgia DUI laws and penalties at the link below.

What are the differences between DUI penalties and dwi penalties?

Penalties for being convicted of DWI vs. DUI differ because, in states that distinguish between the two, DUI is the least severe of the two. The severity between the two charges lies in the documented level of impairment of the driver.

Penalties for driving under influence dui?


Where can one read more on the California DUI penalties?

You can read more on the California DUI penalties on the official California website for law enforcement. They provide you with the required information for DUIs.

What are typical Arizona DUI penalties?

Typical Arizona DUI penalties are fines, license suspensions, jail time, treatment programs or an ignition locking device. These penalties will vary on severity depending on number of offenses and breathalyzer testing results.

Penalties for a DUI?

License suspension and jail time. Read your local licensing handbook for specific penalties in your state.

Do DUI penalties vary from city to city?

Yes, DUI penalties vary from city to city. They also vary from case to case because someone with multiple DUIs will get a harsher penalty than a first time offender.

What are the penalties for a second DUI violation in the State of Florida?

Conviction of a second DUI in the U.S. state of Florida can bring serious charges. Potential penalties for this offense include up to 9 months in jail and a $4000 fine.

Why are there different penalties for DUI?

Each state has their own laws for DUI convictions. The penalties are greater if you have had other prior DUI convictions, or the more alcohol you have in your system. Other factors that will change/stiffen the penalty are if you refused a blood alcohol test, and if anyone was injured or killed while you were driving under the influence.

How many points is a DUI?

The penalties for DUI (Driving Under The Influence) or DWI (Driving While Intoxicated) offenses are determined by the laws of the state in which they occurred.

What are the maximum penalties for a DUI conviction?

The maximum penalty for a DUI conviction drastically varies from state to state throughout the U.S. The usual penalties are; loss of license for up to a year, mandatory alcohol abuse classes and the payment of a large fine.

What are the penalties of getting a second DUI?

"Penalties for getting a second DUI vary from state to state. California is the most strict, with 96 hours of jail time. In most states, your drivers license will be suspended anywhere from 6 months to a year."