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Never taste it.

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2mo ago

You should never taste an acid or a base to test their properties. Both can be harmful if ingested and may cause serious damage to your health. It is best to use proper laboratory equipment and procedures to test for the presence of acids and bases.

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Q: What should you never do to test an acid and a base?
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What can you test as an acid or base?

i dont nkow

What must never be done to test acid and base?

Never taste or smell chemicals to test for acids or bases. This can be dangerous and harmful to your health. Always use proper testing equipment and follow safety guidelines.

What are the procedures of total base number test?

The Total Base Number (TBN) is determined by titration with an acid as the perchloric acid.

What test tells if something is an acid or base?

pH meter or litmus test paper.

What will happen when an acid of low pH is combined with some base of high pH in a test tube?

When an acid of low pH is combined with a base of high pH in a test tube, a neutralization reaction will occur. The acid will donate a proton (H+) to the base, forming water and a salt. The resulting solution will have a pH closer to neutral.

The most dangerous test for an acid or base is?

The most dangerous test for an acid or base would be tasting it, as it can cause serious harm to the mouth, throat, and digestive system. It's important to use proper laboratory equipment and procedures to determine if a substance is an acid or base instead of relying on taste.

What test can you know if it is a acid or base?

You can test whether a substance is an acid or a base using litmus paper. When dipped in the substance, blue litmus paper turns red in the presence of an acid, while red litmus paper turns blue in the presence of a base.

What does the litmus test tell about stability of sulfurous acid?

The litmus test can help determine if sulfurous acid is an acid or a base. If sulfurous acid turns blue litmus paper red, it indicates that it is an acid. This test does not provide direct information about the stability of sulfurous acid.

A swimming pool worker wants the pools pH to be 7.2 she comes by to test the water and finds the pH is 9.2 what should she do to correct this situation?

If the pH is higher than she wants it to be, she gotta add acid. If it too low, add base. :p Apex

How can you identify an acid and a base without carrying out a chemical test?

by using a litmus paper

How should patients be prepared for a lactic acid test?

Patients should be informed that a lactic acid test is a simple blood test that measures the amount of lactic acid in their blood. There is no fasting required before the test, and it is best to inform the healthcare provider if they are taking medications that can affect lactic acid levels. It is also important to stay relaxed during the test to ensure accurate results.

How do you determine if a unknown is a buffer or not?

To determine if a solution is a buffer, check if it contains a weak acid and its conjugate base, or a weak base and its conjugate acid. Alternatively, you can test the solution's pH - buffers resist significant changes in pH when small amounts of acid or base are added.