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Q: What should your HCG be at 9 weeks?
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What does decreased HCG at 8 weeks mean?

HCG levels normally start declining at 9 weeks or so. HCG peaks at around 100,000 and then decline to about 20,000 for the duration of pregnancy. A decline at 8 weeks could be normal.

What should an hcg level be if are 18 weeks pregnant?


If you ovulated 3 weeks ago what should HcG be?

If You are Not pregnant your BCG level should be 0

Normal hcg levels at 2 weeks should be? has a chart with the answer you need on it.

How many weeks is an hCG level of 167?

167 BETA-HCG is between 4 and 5 weeks.

The hcg level in a normal pregnanch should be how high at 5 weeks of pregnancy?

Every one is different, so there is no set level of how high the hcg hormone should be at 4 weeks. Although the hcg hormore level should be increasing every day.

What is the normal HCG level at 6 weeks?

HCG levels are detectable at low levels as early as 7-9 days after ovulation. During the first 3-4 weeks after fertilization the HCG level doubles every two days. By the fist missed period the level will be 50-250 mIU/ml. HCG will peak at approx. 60-70 days after fertilization at 80,000-150,000 mIU/ml, then gradually decrease during the remainder of the pregnancy.

How long will one bottle of hcg last?

How long will HCG last at room temperature?

How far gone pregnant should you be if your HCG levels are 100?

My hcg level was 110 and that was drawn at 3 weeks 4 days since last menstrual period.

If your hcg is 665 how many weeks pregnant are you?

well a normal hcg 305 is 4 weeks, so i imagine 2 1/2 months pregnant

Is it normal to have an hcG level of 152 at 3 weeks pregnancy?

i was told im 2-3 weeks and my hcg level is 1658

What is a normal hcg level at 3 weeks pregnant?

The healthy hcg level at 3 weeks is 5 - 50 mIU/ml