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Part Function Cell membrane Controls what substances can get into and out of the cell. Cytoplasm Jelly-like substance, where chemical reactions happen. In plant cells there's a thin lining, whereas in animal cells most of the cell is cytoplasm. Nucleus Controls what happens inside the cell - it is not a 'brain'. Chloroplast Where photosynthesis happens - chloroplasts contain a green substance called chlorophyll. Vacuole Contains a liquid called cell sap, which keeps the cell firm. Cell wall Made of a tough substance called cellulose, which supports the cell.

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Q: What si the function of nucleus?
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What is the function of the nucleus and where is it located?

there is no function to the nucleus. the nucleus is located in the middle of your body:)

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AMU (Atomic Mass Unit) is the SI masses of particles for nucleus.

What is the function of the cells nucleus?

The function of a cell nucleus is to maintain the integrity of genes and control activities of the cell. The nucleus is the control center of the cell.

What is the function of cells nucleus?

The function of a cell nucleus is to maintain the integrity of genes and control activities of the cell. The nucleus is the control center of the cell.

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It binds the nucleus together.

Function of nucleus pore?

It allows RNA, that is transcribed from a DNA in the nucleus, to leave the the nucleus.

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in the nucleus

Function of nucleus in the animal cell?

The nucleus controls the cell's functions.

What is the function of the nucleus of the onion cell?

The nucleus controls the cell's activities.

What is the key function of the nucleus?

The nucleus acts as the cell's control center.