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a cold.

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Q: What sickness do you have if you cough sneeze and have a runny nose?
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What syptems can hamsters get from sickness?

Depending on what kind of sickness, hamsters can have a runny nose, watery eyes, they can sneeze a lot, fur loss, diherrea, etc.

What means a runny nose?

When you have cold or cough, people say we have a runny nose which means that the stored cough comes out our body through our nose

Why do you sneeze and get a runny nose when you drink milk?


You get a shocking feeling when you cough or sneeze?

depends on how you sneeze or cough if you sneeze and plug your nose and the same time then you might have a chance in blowing your ear drum!

How is a sneeze different from a cough?

A sneeze is completely involuntary and cannot be stopped. A cough reflex is also involuntary, but it is sometimes possible to "hold it in". Coughing comes from the lungs while sneezing comes from the nose.

Why do you cough and sneeze?

Because something irritates your throat or your nose.

Is runny nose a symptom of getting throat infection?

A runny nose can be a sign of many things, some a sickness, some not a sickness. Sicknesses could include flu, nasal/sinus infection or a cold. Non-sicknesses could include allergic reaction, hayfever and not blowing your nose enough.

Why people sneeze when they have flu?

Its a reaction you have from the sickness or when you get sick all your yucky stuff goes to your nose to make you sneeze

When feeding a patient you notice they cough after swallowing and have a runny nose . What should you do?


When feeding a patient you notice they cough after swallowing and have a runny nose. What should you do?


ayo why does my sneeze sound like a cough?

The noise a sneeze makes depends on how the air exists your nose and mouth

What do you do if your head hurts your dizzy and have a bad cough with a runny nose and sneeze a lot?

Well I'm not an expert but I have the same and I was told by me mum to stay of school and let it go unless it gets too bad then see a doctor