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the south side of the house

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Q: What side of the house gets the most sunlight?
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Which side of a house will retain the most late afternoon heat?

The west side of a house gets the most afternoon heat assuming sunlight can reach this side.

Why are solar panels located at the south side of the house?

In the Northern Hemisphere, the south side of the house gets the most sunlight during the year. To maximize collection of solar energy from sunlight, solar panels are located at the south side of the house.

What side of the house is the rain most?

That depends on where you live. In my area, the west side of the house gets rained on first and most.

In new york state which side of a building gets the most direct sunlight at noon?

New York state get the a building get the most direct sunlight at noon is on the westside!

Why is incorrect to say plants grow towards the sunlight?

They don't actually grow towards the sunlight. As sunlight hits the stem of a plant, the side away from the sunlight, that gets less light, grows faster than the well lit side (or the well lit side grows less than the other side). The faster growth on one side makes the plant tilt in the direction of the sunlight.

Why is one side of the moon rougher than the other?

simple. more craters or metorites could hit or it gets more sunlight than the other side

Where is the greenhouse located?

I would locate my greenhouse toward the south in North America so that the plants inside can be exposed to sunlight most hours per day and most days per season. It should not be on the north side of a house or among tall grown trees where sunlight exposure is affected.

How does the sun position in relation to the earth correspond to our seasons?

It's not so much the Sun that changes; rather, Earth's axis is tilted (with respect to a perpendicular to Earth's plane of orbit). As a result, when Earth is on one side of the Sun, the northern hemisphere gets more sunlight; when Earth is on the other side of the Sun, it is the southern hemisphere that gets more sunlight.

Why do palisade cells contain so many chloropasts?

Palisade cells contain lots of chloroplasts because they are located on the side of the leaf that gets exposure to direct sunlight.

What country on earth gets the sunlight first?

Since the sun only shines on one side of the Earth at a time, one half of the Earth is in darkness and the other half in sunlight. It is only as the sun rotates on it's axis that different areas of the Earth experience night and day. A country never gets sunlight "first", as the night and day around the Earth is constantly changing.

What area of earth receives the most direct sunlight?

There are two ways one is the dark side of the earth so the side that you are on the sun reflects on it

Which side of the coast mountains is dry?

The east side is the dry side on the west coast. The west side is next to the ocean and gets the most rain.