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The side of the island with the little bit of smoke in "Lord of the Flies" is the south side of the mountain. This is where the boys start a signal fire in an attempt to attract passing ships for rescue.

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Q: What side of the island had little bit of smoke in lord of the flies?
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Which side of the island had a little bit of smoke in Lord of the Flies?

The only reference in Lord of the Flies that I can find which may be what you are refering to is, and I quote... The fire by the platform appeared to be out, or at least making no smoke. Further along the beach, beyond the little river and near a great slab of rock, a thin trickle of smoke was climbing into the sky. Simon forgetful of the flies, shaded his eyes with both hands and peered at the smoke..." This would indicate that the fire was on the same side of the island as the shelters and platform, which was the 'friendly' side of the island where the lagoon was enclosed by the coral reef.

Is Ralph more concerned about smoke or fire Lord of the flies?

Ralph is more concerned about the smoke in "Lord of the Flies" because it represents hope for rescue and a way to be noticed by passing ships or planes. The smoke symbolizes the boys' connection to the outside world and their chance of being rescued from the island.

What is the island shaped like lord of the flies?

The island in Lord of the Flies is shaped like a boat.


while Ralph is running away from jack in the end of the book, Ralph tries to hide from him. jack lights a fire and it starts to get out of hand. the navy ship sees the large fire on the island and comes to see what it is.

Where is the island in Lord of the Flies?

An island in the Atlantic Ocean

In the book the lord of the flies what where the little kids called?

The little kids in the book "Lord of the Flies" were called "littluns." They were the youngest boys on the island who often played and were not actively involved in the power struggles and conflicts of the older boys.

Where are the boys in lord of the flies?

On the Island

In lord of What will they use to make the fire give off more smoke?

In "Lord of the Flies," the boys use green branches and leaves from the island to make the fire give off more smoke. They discover that adding these materials helps the fire create more visible smoke signals.

In the Lord of the Flies the island was what shaped?

The island was boat shaped

Lord of the flies what shape is the island?

A boat.

What do the boys do when they enter the island in lord of the flies?


What does the fruit symbolize in Lord of the Flies?

adaptation to the island