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Upper Right corner except group 18 (nobles)

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Q: What side of the periodic table is metalliods on?
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What are elements on the left side of the periodic table-is-it-metalliods?

Alkali metals.

What are the metalliods on the periodic table?

there are 21

What are the metals found in the periodic table?

Metalliods are found at the center of the periodic table.

Where are the metalliods located on the periodic table?

the left

Where are metalliods located on the periodic table?

Representive elements

Where on the periodic table will you find the metals non-metals and metalliods?

Non-metals and metalloids are found to the right on the periodic table.

What is the location of metalliods on the periodic table?

Metalloids are placed in a zig-zag pattern in periodic table. They are to the left of non-metals.

Can you show me the periodic table?

By there properties: Metals, Non-Metals and Metalliods.

What are the names of three metalliods from the periodic table of the elements?

Si, As and Te

What are the three main types of elements on the periodic table?

Metals nonmetals and metalliods

Where are metalliods on the periodic table?

boron, silicon, germanium, arsenic, antimony and tellurium.

What are the two main categories of elements on the periodic table?

metalliods and non-metals