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Q: What sientific term means losing light?
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The term photosynthesis comes from the words "photo", which means light, and "synthese", which means synthesis. It is the process by which plants manufacture their food.

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It means changing colour in resonse to light.

What is a term that means reflected light?

The light which enters is called the incident ray and the reflected light is called the reflected ray.

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The term 'crash and burn' is a colloquial idiom that means to fail suddenly and completely. The phrase possibly originated from losing an aerial dog-fight.

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Exsanguination is the term used to describe the process of losing all of one's blood.

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Stale green light is a term used in traffic terminology. Essentially, it means that the green light has been green so long that it's about to turn yellow.

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Luciferase is a term for the class of oxidative enzymes used in bioluminescence. The term is derived from the world "Lucifer", which means light bearer.

What does the science term of 'degree of transparency to light' mean?

It means how much light gets through, as opposed to being absorbed.