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Abe Lincoln's ghost for napers

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15y ago

Abe Lincoln! keep it up nappers!

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Q: What sighting has been said to have sent chills up the spines of the White House inhabitants?
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What sighting has been said to have sent chills up the spines of white house?

Abe Lincoln

How do you use ghostly in a sentence?

The ghostly house gave me the chills.

What might the average number of spines on cacti be?

An average number of spines on a cacti may vary from the species of the cacti. A desert cactus can grow up to 2000 spines without a problem. However, a normal house cactus can only grow up to 800-1000 spines.

How do you use inhabitants in a sentence?

Are you the sole inhabitant of this house? What makes you think that a ghost is an inhabitant of your house?

When do you ring the doorbell at a friends house?

Anytime you want to go in or get the inhabitants attention.

When was the last sighting of the Lake Champlain Monster?

well i have a house that we go to in the summer and me my self have seen champ 2 times and i belive that champ is a water snake but i still think that it is a creacher that lercs below the water and the last sighting was 4 mounths ago

Why where the inhabitants of hamelin probably afraid to enter their homes?

probably bc he was scared of demons in his house

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The spelling is "abbey" and, as with a monastery, the inhabitants may be either nuns or monks.

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The first instance of aliens sightings that I can think of would be when the house-hold of Teran (Abraham's father) left Ur of the Chandeleas and settled in Syria.

What has the author Mary Adelaide Smith Jennings written?

Mary Adelaide Smith Jennings has written: 'A Kentish country house, or, Records of the Hall House, Hawkhurst, and its inhabitants'

How do the furnishings of the grangerford house satirize the inhabitants?

The ornate furnishings in the Grangerford house satirize the inhabitants by showing their obsession with outward appearances and material wealth, while neglecting moral values. The lavish decor contrasts with the family's lack of empathy and their participation in a pointless feud, highlighting their superficiality and hypocrisy.

What is a good sentence with the word in in it?

As I walked around in the old, creaky house, chills ran up my spine and I kept getting scared at nothing.