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Shivering, pale skin, cold extremities, slurred speech, dis-orientation, lapsing into unconsciousness.

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Q: What signs should you look for which would tell you that someones suffering from hypothermia?
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Related questions

What are the umble signs?

Indications that a person is suffering from hypothermia: stumbles, mumbles, fumbles, and grumbles

What are the signs of hypothermia?

shivering,numbness, trouble walking

What are the warning signs of hypothermia?

being cold, shiverinng

What are the umbles in hypothermia?

The "umbles" are warning signs to look for in suspected hypothermia. They are stumbles, mumbles, fumbles, and grumbles. These are all signs that the body's nervous and muscular systems may be affected.

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Werewolves are imaginary, so are the signs.

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What are some concerns in treating hypothermia?

Anyone who aids a victim of hypothermia should also look for signs of frostbite and be aware that attempting to rewarm a frostbitten area of the body before emergency help arrives can be extremely dangerous.

What signs should you look for which tell you that a person is suffering from heat stroke?

heavy breathing and light headedness

Which of the following signs of general hypothermia would a casusalty display?

signs of generalized hypothermia are that the body is cold and/or shivering under clothing, the casualty may appear drowsy and confused, and the casualty may even appear dead due to negligible vital signs.

What machines are used in hospital to monitor someones vital signs?

Machines like bedside monitors are used in hospital to monitor someones vital signs. There is also a blood glucose monitoring for people with diabetes.

Which of the signs of generalized hypothermia would cause casualty display?

Casualty may appear drowsy and confused

Signs of generalized hypothermia are?

body is cold and/or shivering under clothing, the casualty may appear drowsy and confused, and the casualty may even appear dead due to negligible vital signs.