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Q: What simple machine does tricycle have?
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Is tricycle an example of simple machine?

yes sure it is

What is a green machine?

A Green Machine is a big wheel tricycle made for tweens and teens

What kind of simple machine is a tricycle?

A bike is not a simple machine. It is a compound machine. A bike is made of simple machines such as gears, a pulley, levers, wheel and axles, and screws.Firstly the Bicycle isn't a simple machine, its actually a compound machine meaning that it uses more than one simple machine to make it work.However the Pedals and Crankcase Sprocket and rear wheel sprocket are simple machines that fit into the Lever category as they allow you to exert and transfer torque.

What do you call a machine with three wheels?

Tricycle, Tri Wheel, or Three Wheeler.

Is an airplane a simple machine?

An airplane is not a simple machine. A lever is a simple machine. A wheel is a simple machine. Any machine that can be described by a mathematical formula is a simple machine.

What forms a compound machine with one wheel and axle linked to another wheel and axle?

A tricycle.

What form a compound machine with one wheel and axle linked to another wheel and axle?

A tricycle.

Which is a type of simple machine?

A pulley isn't a kind of simple machine, it is a simple machine

Is a knife a compound machine or a simple machine?

simple machine

Is a pulley a simple machine or a complex machine?

simple machine

Is a hammer a simple or compex machine?

Its a simple machine which can crush any complex machine

Is a windmill a simple machine?

yes it is a simple machine... the wind blowing on the wheel and axle makes it a simple machine