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Q: What size breaker i need for a 9000 watts broiler 220 volts?
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How many amps is 9000 watts?

9000 watts is zero amps. Amps are the product of amps times volts. Without a voltage stated an answer can not be given. I = W/E, Amps = Watts/Volts.

Convert 9000 watts at 220 volts into amps?

The formula you are looking for is I = W/E. Amps = Watts/Volts.

Does an electric stove burner use 220 or 110?

The burners will most likely be 240V. By keeping the range at 240 volts it will use less amps that at 120V. Say a range and oven is rated at 9000 watts. Watts = amps x volts. 9000/240V = 37.5 amps. 9000/120V = 75 amps. As you can see at 120 volts the amperage is double over 240 volts. You would need a 100 amp breaker and #4 wire to accomodate the range on 120 volts.

How many amps needed for a 9000 btu unit at 240 volts?

9000 BTU/hour is equivalent to 2300 watts so the heater will draw 10 amps on 230 volts.

How many amps can a 9000 watt generator produce?

If your generator is rated at 1000 watts continuous......and you are using 120V.....available amps are 1000/120 =8.3 .

A 9000 watt generator equals how many amp output?

The relationship between amps (electrical current, or I), volts (electrical potential, or V) and watts(electrical power, or P) is represented by the equation P=VI. So at 110 volts, a 9000 watt generator can provide a maximum of about 82 amps.

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How big an air conditioner is needed to cool 9000 watts of lighting?

1055 watts = 1 BTU/s, so 9000 watts x 1 BTU/s/W x 3600s/hr = 30,710BTUH, or about 2 1/2 tons.

How many watts is it for 9000 btu?

Divide the wattage rating on the tag by the voltage it uses and that will give you the amperage.

12 HP Century Electric MotorModel CSH-81-B. Serial ac Code L RPM 1750Spec-9568 it is one half hp not 12.?

A 1 hp electric motor draws ABOUT 746 watts. Multiply volts times amps to get watts. a 1/2 hp motor will use about 3.1 amps @ 120 volts. A 12 hp motor is a VERY large motor, and will draw 8900-9000 watts of power (and use 220-440 volt power)

How much watts does 2002 Taurus radio output?

if I am informed correctly; it outputs OVER 9000 DECIBLES OF SOUND!!!!! 9000 THAT'S IMPOSSIBLE -NAPPA

Can you plug a 9000 BTU air conditioner unit into a 110-120 volt line safely?

Check and see what the amperage the A/C unit draws. These types of appliances should have their own dedicated circuit. If there is nothing of a high load on the existing 120 volt circuit and the A/C unit draws less than 12 amps, the unit should operate without tripping the breaker. If the A/C unit only has wattage and no amperage shown on the nameplate use this equation to find the amperage. I = W/E, Amps = Watts/Volts.