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Q: What size is Jacksons Pollocks Shimmering Substance?
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What is skai jacksons shoe size?

i would say a 3 1/2 or a 4

How did jacksons predency influence the size of the American electorate?

some southern people wanted to brake awa from the united states or to

What is the increase in the size of a substance due to a change in temperature called?

The increase in size of a substance due to a change in temperature is called thermal expansion. As the substance absorbs heat, its particles gain energy and move more rapidly, causing it to expand. Conversely, when the substance cools down, it contracts and decreases in size.

How many chloride ions are present?

The number of chloride ions present in a given substance depends on the substance size and the type of substance.

The density of the substance is the same for all samples of the substance true or false?

Any sample size of a particular substance will have the same density.

Why are size and weight not useful in identifying unknown substance?

Because size and weight can vary.

The change of size or shape of a substance is a?

chemical matter.

What substance fills whatever size container it is put in?


What is happening to a substance undergoing thermal expansion?

When a substance undergoes thermal expansion, it increases in size due to the increase in temperature. The particles within the substance gain kinetic energy, resulting in increased spacing between them, causing the substance to expand. This expansion is reversible, and the substance will contract back to its original size once it cools down.

What effect does the amount of the sample of a substance affect its density?

it has no effect. density of a substance is the same no matter the size or shape of the sample.

The size of a temperature increase in a substance depends primarily on?

The size of a temperature increase in a substance primarily depends on the amount of heat energy added to the substance and its specific heat capacity. The specific heat capacity determines how much energy is needed to raise the temperature of a substance by a certain amount.

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Size- to coat a porous surface such as textile, paper or plaster with size