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1.5 for needle length to be used in the deltoid.

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Q: What size needle should be used for the deltoid muscle for an adult male?
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What is most common intramuscular site for an adult person?

I assume for use as an injection site. Deltoid muscle (shoulder) and Gluteus maximus (butt cheek)

The correct site for an adult IM injection is the?


Does flu shot needle size depend on age?

The diameter of the needle is small no matter how old the patient. A child could use a needle that was shorter than an adult, but an overweight child and an adult of normal build could use the same length needle. A thin adult could use the same length needle as a child. Usually, clinics only have one size needle for adults and children. The healthcare professional would insert the needle the adequate depth for a child and the adequate depth for an adult. In theory, the needle would be inserted into the muscle a smaller depth than in an adult. Flu shots can also be given in other locations besides the arm. If a baby receives a shot, usually they receive it in their thigh, and the healthcare professional would insert the needle to the correct depth to insert the medication into the muscular tissue. An alternative is the new intradermal (ID) flu vaccine that uses a much shorter needle since it is injected into the tissue between the layers of the skin instead of into the muscle. The flu mist, or the intranasal flu vaccine, is a good choice for pediatrics if they do not have certain medical conditions and are at least 2 years old. Another advantage of the flu mist is the lack of trauma from a shot. Adults can take the flu mist as well, up to age 49, as long as they are otherwise healthy.

What are the preferred Intramuscular sites?

There are four accepted body sites for Intramuscular injections. 1.The central region of the Deltoid muscle of the shoulder. This area is for only small injections of 1 ml or less, ie for vaccinations. The other three regions are all in the lower body area. 2. The middle of the thigh in the Vastus Lateralis muscle of the quadriceps muscle group of the upper leg . 3 The Ventrogluteal muscle in the hip on the side of the hip. 4. The Dorsogluteal muscle of the buttocks. Divide one buttock into four quadrants upper and lower. The injection should always be in the upper quadrant.

What gauge and length needle is used in childs flu vaccines?

This is from the CDC's flu vaccine instructions to health care providers: "The intramuscular route is recommended for TIV. Adults and older children should be vaccinated in the deltoid muscle. A needle length of 1 inch or longer (>25 mm) should be considered for persons in these age groups because needles of <1 inch might be of insufficient length to penetrate muscle tissue in certain adults and older children. When injecting into the deltoid muscle among children with adequate deltoid muscle mass, a needle length of 7/8--1.25 inches is recommended. Infants and young children should be vaccinated in the anterolateral aspect of the thigh. A needle length of 7/8--1 inch should be used for children aged <12 months."

What is the minimum needle length is recommended for administering HepB vaccine to an adult patient weighing 130 lb?

Hepatitis B is an intramuscular injection, and needle length should be chosen based on the age and BMI of the patient.

Do you exercise too much?

if you are an adult, you should exercise about 150 minutes a week, with two days muscle strengthening activities.

Why is the adult brain weigh this much?

The brain is mostly muscle muscle weighs more than fat,

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What percentage of human body weight is voluntary muscle?

An average adult male is made up of 42% voluntary muscle, an average adult female is made up of 36% voluntary muscle (in terms of total body mass).

Parasites found in the muscle of pigs?

Pig muscle can have the infective larva of Trichinella spiralis. Also, pig muscle can have the cysticerci of the pig tapeworm - the adult will live in the intestine, but there will be infective cysts in the muscle.

Is sex 3 4 times a day risky for health?

You could tear muscle and no of offence but unless ur an adult and even then I don't think you should do it that much