

What size stars have longer lives?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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13y ago

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larger stars have longer lives, because as stars burn they are slowly burning up fuel and begin to cave in on themselves. the larger, the more fuel, the more fuel, the longer lasting.

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Q: What size stars have longer lives?
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That would be its size. Bigger stars live shorter lives because they use up energy faster, while smaller stars live longer because they don't use up as much energy.

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All stars fuse hydrogen into helium. Near the end of their lives, large stars progress to fusing helium into carbon.

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It depends on the size. Small, dim stars live much, much longer than large, bright ones. The expected lifetime of a star like the Sun as a main-sequence star is about 10 billion years.

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These are called white dwarf stars. They are the dense remnants (cores) of stars about the size of the Sun, which have used up all of their fusible elements and no longer maintain fusion in their cores. These stars still radiate energy because they are still hot, just not as hot as a functioning star.

Do smaller stars have longer lives?

If by smaller, you mean ones with less mass, then the answer is yes. This is because while smaller stars have less mass to burn. They burn it more slowly and more efficiently thereby increasing their lifespan.