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Q: What size suture do you use on stomach?
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Any more information? is it to do with taking the suture out or putting on in? or is it to do with what type or what size? best suture to put in (depending on the reason for it) is probably a 2/0 or 3/0 nylon.

What is Littauer suture scissors used for?

The use of suture scissors is for removing sutures from the body. One of the blades has a notch area in order to slide underneath a suture to snip and remove.

What is the medical term meaning suture of the intestine?

Enterorrhaphy is the medical term meaning surgical suture of the intestine. A related term, enteroplasty, means surgical repair of the intestine.

Which suture connects the parietal and temporal bones?

The occipital, parietal and temporal bones are connected by the squamosal suture. This suture was not present when a person is a newborn baby.

What suture is most likely to contain sutural bones?

The LAMBDOID suture is the most likely suture to contain suture bones

Is stomach stapling surgery dangerous?

"Like with all invasive medical procedures, stomach stapling has it's risks. Possible risks include everything from suture tears, leaks, pulmonary embolisms, and infection."

Which suture connects the occipital and parietal bones?

The suture that goes in between the two parietal bones (left and right) is called the saggital suture. That is the main suture that runs in the middle of the top of your head. The parietal bones articulate with the occipital bone at the lambdoidal suture and with the temporal bones (left and right where the ears are), at the squamosal suture. Finally the parietal bones both meet with the frontal bone at the coronal suture. But the main suture between the parietals again is the saggital suture.Lambdoidal suture connects the two parietal bones together.

How small can a stomach get?

A stomach can get to a size of a dick

About how long is your stomach?


What is the use of needle holders?

it holds the needle in place to perform the suture properly.

What is the medical term meaning suture of a kidney?

Splenorrhaphy is the medical term meaning surgical suture of the spleen.

Who was an Arab physician who began the use of animal gut for suture material?

Al-Razi, sometimes referred to by his Latin name as Rhazes, used animal guts as suture materials.