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Q: What skin color will result from anemia?
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What color skin do vampires have?

pale white skin Vampires retain what-ever skin colour they had when they were living. They may grow pale from anemia but this is a minor change not a defining one.

What are the symptoms of kwashiorkor?

Lethargy, growth retardation, anemia, edema, potbelly, skin depigmentation, and hair loss or change in hair color.

What does vitiligo do to your skin?

Vitiligo is an auto immune diseases. It causes loss of pigment melanin from skin which actually skin color as result skin divided in to two color 1 real and 2 white

How can you change your skin from black to white?

Can not be done. Skin color is the result of several things. DNA determines eye, hair, and skin color as well as other things. Melanin pigment produces skin color and freckles. The less melanin the whiter the skin. You can not change it. Be proud of who you are.

What woudl cause skin to have an ashen color?

An ashen skin color is a result of inadequate oxygen circulation or perfusion. As in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)

what dietary inclusion/ exclusion should i make to address anemia, that may be a result of chemotherapy?

You should consult a physician, but some general foods good for anemia, which contain iron, are: beef, turkey, cereals, beans, baked potato with skin, and asparagus.

When your skin color is gray are you anemic?

Possibly - with extreme anemia you tend to go really white rather than grey. You may also have poor circulation, not be breathing, or be dead.

A physician is often able to detect homeostatic imbalances in the body by observing changes in the skin color?

Yes, changes in skin color can be indicative of various health conditions such as anemia, liver disease, or circulation problems. Skin discoloration can provide important clues to underlying health issues and help a physician diagnose and treat homeostatic imbalances.

How is Sideroblastic Anemia caught?

Sideroblastic anemia can be inherited, but the disease is usually acquired as a result of illness or exposure to toxic substances.

What will the Lack of intrinsic factor result in?

B. pernicious anemia.

What do cobalamin deficiencies result it?

Cobalamin deficiencies most often result in the disease pernicious anemia.

What type of anemia involves a bleeding ulcer?

The anemiacondition which is result of hemorrhage