

What slogan would you write about family day?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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15y ago

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family day i'could have been at the dentist

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Q: What slogan would you write about family day?
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The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (commonly called the "Mormon" church) does not have a slogan. However, the church has run various PSA's throughout the years with various slogans. The most recent had the slogan "I'm a Mormon" and featured stories of various church members all ending with "...and I'm a Mormon!" A previous long-running campaign advocated family values and featured the slogan "Family. Isn't it about... time?" using a double entrende to indicate that now is the time to spend more time with your family. "Visitors Welcome" is a phrase on most church signs and could make a good slogan, as Mormons always seek to share their faith with others.