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snakes, moles, voles, gophers, and squirrels.

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Q: What small burrowing animals live in northern California?
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What is a small burrowing animal?

a gopher, burrowing owl,rabbits and some other animals i can't think of right now.

Give an example of one animal and its shelter?

a burrowing owl lives in abandoned burrows from small animals.

How do burrowing animals enrich the soil with substances that the soil needs?

Small burrowing animals, such as voles, dig tunnels in the ground. Burrowing loosens small rocks and sediment in soil. The animal pushes these small pieces of rock to the surface. Once these small rocks and sediment are out of the ground, other weathering processes act on them. Hope this paragraph answered your question! From: RocioSmart4235

What effect do small burrowing animals in earthworms have on the rocks and soil in the ground?

it brekas stuff down and causes bad things

What are the Burrowing owl's favorite food?

The burrowing owl eats small rodents.

What is the importance of burrowing owls?

Burrowing owls help control populations of insects, rodents and small mammals and help increase the diversity of wildlife in an area. they are also very beautiful animals who are endangered so lets help

What do Burrowing owl look like?

A Burrowing Owl is small with long legs, short tail and has spots on its back. The Burrowing Owl is most active hunting in the morning and evening.

What do burrowing owl's burrow look like?

A Burrowing Owl is small with long legs, short tail and has spots on its back. The Burrowing Owl is most active hunting in the morning and evening.

How do you use dead of winter in a sentence?

It was the dead of winter and from the pristine surface of the snowy landscape one could not detect all of the activity taking place deep beneath the snow cover where small burrowing animals made snow tunnels through which to travel about.It was the dead of winter and from the pristine surface of the snowy landscape one could not detect all of the activity taking place deep beneath the snow cover where small burrowing animals made snow tunnels through which to travel about.It was the dead of winter and from the pristine surface of the snowy landscape one could not detect all of the activity taking place deep beneath the snow cover where small burrowing animals made snow tunnels through which to travel about.It was the dead of winter and from the pristine surface of the snowy landscape one could not detect all of the activity taking place deep beneath the snow cover where small burrowing animals made snow tunnels through which to travel about.

A small burrowing animal with a very hard shell?


Is a burrowing owl a carnivore omnivore or a herbivore?

The burrowing owl, like all birds of prey is a carnivore. It will eat insects and small mammals.

What animals live in the desert and are small and can burrow?

Hares, Ground hogs, and Dung Beetles are examples of burrowing desert animals. These are animals that burrow deep in the ground and escape the heat. They also may dig homes, hide young or store food away when needed.