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He used flash to animate it he may have recorded his screen then animated it in flash

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Q: What software did animator vs animation use to make his movie?
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How do you make animation vs animator?

You have to buy the software and then you draw a person and go to the top bar and make him alive.

Can you make a animator vs animation with microscoft paint?

i did it before

How do you make your own animator vs animation movie?

Animator vs. Animation was created with Adobe (then Macromedia) Flash. It takes a lot of time, especially if you are unfamiliar with the software. It was created as a flash animation. So if you are out pieces within the Flash whiteboard so that it could be animated with the various moving parts being symbols. It's also possible that he may have used a program similar to Camtasia Studio to record the desktop as is, then later animated in Flash.

How do you make cartoon videos?

Thanks for asking an animator! I'm a professional animator! Well most cartoon software is very expensive so if you are looking to create your own cartoon I would suggest Pencil or Syfig. If you are looking for commercial cartoon software i would use Toon boom animation. At the cost of $239.5

How do you make a animator vs animation?

Theres this game on or then you play it

Which 3d animation software was used to make the movie Madagascar 2 escape to Africa?

3d max

How do you make an animation move and attack like in the Animator vs Animation videos?

First of, I am highly convinced that this short, "Animator vs Animation" was inspired by the short "Duck Amuck". For all I know, the creator might have even plagiarized it, as it has many elements and ideas taken from that. "Animator vs Animation" was created by Alan Becker. He most likely used a program called 'Macromedia Flash'. This program was created by the the company 'Adobe'. Like all programs, they must be learnt, and I recommend learning to draw first, before playing around with software that is to become outdated in a few years. - Endeavourer ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DO NOT DELETE ANSWER - ADD TO IT! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Do you have to have a software to do animation?

well, you can always make different scenes using Microsoft paint and windows movie maker to make animations. But I suggest that you do use an animation software. here are a few suggested programs: Pencil 2.0 - still by still animation Pivot - stickfigure animation 3DMagix - 3D modeling and animation you can find free downloads for all but 3DMagix. good luck!

Is there a good software to make stick figure computer games?

Pivot Stickfigure Animator 2.2.5

In the sim's 3 is there a way to make them sneeze more?

Yes there is. Download the NRAAS animator and put it into your package mods folder. Then start the game and click on the sim you want there should be option called NRAAS click on it then click animator then play animation by category > idle animations > then scroll down to the sneeze animation.

How can you destroy stuff when you make your own animator vs animation?

Duplicates of anything that will be destroyed will allow you to continue going. Just make sure they're in safe locations.

How do you make the chosen one on your computer?

its impossible but you can play a fan based game online called animator vs animation its online and free to play no downloads or nothing what are you waiting for PLAY IT NOW!