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Soil with rocks or gravel or sand are usually not suitable for plant growth.

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Q: What soil is not suitable for the growth of plants?
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Why sob soil is not suitable for plant growth?

The sob soil is not good for plants only there is few rocks

Why is soil the most suitable medium for plant growth?

Soil provides essential nutrients for plant growth, supports the plant's root system, and holds water needed for hydration. It also offers stability for plants to anchor and grow properly. Overall, soil provides a balanced environment for plants to thrive.

What do all plants need?

they need sunlight, water, soil, a suitable temperature, and protection. Using music will increase the rate of the plants growth

Why the alluvial soil is the best soil for growth of plants?

which is the best soil for plant growth.

What are ideal conditions for plant growth?

Healthy plants growth requires nitrogen for growth, suitable spacing, suitable soil, solar energy, chlorophyll, water,oxygen, carbon dioxide, suitable spacing and soil.These are the needs for plants to be healthy.Without all these, plants may not received enough nutrients and requirements and may die or grown abnormal due to loss of these conditions.

What do plants require from the soil for growth?

plants require nutrients from soil to grow

Does pollution effect plant growth and life?

Yes, it does effect it, it destroyes plants, makes soil not suitable for plant growth and gives different desiases to people, including canser and headache.

What kind of soil makes plants grow faster?

Well-draining, loamy soil with a good balance of sand, silt, and clay, along with ample organic matter, provides the ideal conditions for plant growth. This type of soil retains moisture but does not become waterlogged, allowing roots to access oxygen easily. Additionally, soil that is rich in nutrients can also help plants grow faster.

Is soil good for plant growth?

Good organic soil is best for most plants. But some plants prefer sand or rocky soil. Do some research to see what your plants prefer.

What is fertility in soil?

Generally means that the soil is suitable for plant growth. Sand, for instance, has low fertility.

Does soil support the growth of plants?

Most plants do.

What is a mineral that plants get from the soil and use for growth?
