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Q: What solution surrounding a cell would cause water to enter?
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A red blood cell would swell if its surrounding solution were?

Hypotonic. If the solution had a lesser salt concentration, the cell would suck in more water to even out the salt levels inside vs outside the cell in the solution... it would suck in water, which would cause it to swell up.

What effect does isotonic solution have on the liver?

Considering osmosis- If a hypertonic solution causes water molecules to leave a liver, and a hypotonic solution causes water molecules to enter a liver, an isotonic solution water molecules would neither enter, nor leave a cell. I hope this helped :)

What happens if the sugar solution is more concentrated than the sap vacuole?

If the sugar solution is more concentrated than the sap vacuole, water will move out of the vacuole into the surrounding solution via osmosis. This can cause the plant cell to shrink and become plasmolyzed.

Water enters a cell when the solution surrounding the cell is?

Hypotonic- i think. Hypertonic is when it shrinks and Lyses is when the cell burts from swelling too much. We did it with blood cells in my Anatomy and Physiology class.

What place does water leave a lake to enter another body of water?

A lake generally overflows at a location where the surrounding land is lowest.

What process cause the water to enter or leave the cell?

the process that causes the water to enter and leave the cell is diffusion

Why does water enter a cell that is placed in a hypotonic solution?

water enters a cell by osmosis, causing the cell to swell.

What type of solution causes water to enter and exit at the same rate?

An isotonic one. (having the exact same water potential as the adjacent medium) (isotonic solution)

Why is ocean water a solution?

yes cause its a homogeneous mixture

Does isotonic soultion cause a cell to shrink?

No. An isotonic solution would not cause a cell to shrink, because the concentration of water in the solution and inside the cell is the same. A hypertonic solution would cause a cell to shrink.

Explain the effect what solutions on living cells hypertonic?

An isotonic solution means that the water potential of the solution is the same of that of the cells, so no osmosis should occur, which is why many experiements are necessary to occur in an isotonic solution. however if solutions are NOT isotonic, cells are affected. if the solution has a more negative water potential (stronger sugar concentration outside the cells than inside the cells) then water will leave the cells to try to even the water potentials. If an animal cell, the cell will shrivel up and if it is a plant cell, the cell membrane will shrivel up but the cell will keep its structure because of its cell wall. if the solution has a more positive water potential then water will enter the cell. If too much water enters the cell, then in an animal cell the cell will burst - lysis - and in a plant cell, a series of events will happen. First the cell membrane will expand until it bursts like in the animal cell. However there is still a cell wall but this is but semi-permable so fluids freeloy move pass it. The outside solution will fill into what is left of the cell. This is called plasmolysis. nice

What type of solution around the cell would cause the osmotic flow of water illustrated in diagram 2?

solution with the same water concentration