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Q: What sorts of remarks are appropriate for the remarks section of the flight plan?
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These sorts of words are called homographs, for example : fair - can mean a type of market, to be beautiful or to be just and appropriate in action or judgement.

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Go to this site for a game maker that will allow you to make Mario games and all sorts. (link moved to link section)

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There is a website that is called that has all sorts of costumes for every animal. They actually have their own section for dog costumes.

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well theres all sorts of silly bandz there like animals section food sections theres alot of different silly bandz

Can a Christian be a commander?

There are all sorts of commanders, but a Christian can be one.There are all sorts of commanders, but a Christian can be one.There are all sorts of commanders, but a Christian can be one.There are all sorts of commanders, but a Christian can be one.There are all sorts of commanders, but a Christian can be one.There are all sorts of commanders, but a Christian can be one.There are all sorts of commanders, but a Christian can be one.There are all sorts of commanders, but a Christian can be one.There are all sorts of commanders, but a Christian can be one.There are all sorts of commanders, but a Christian can be one.There are all sorts of commanders, but a Christian can be one.

What is sorts written as a possessive noun?

The possessive form of the plural noun sorts is sorts'.

What is a cross section in science terms?

a cut out view. THis is lie when you cut a person etc in half and see the insides. this can be done in all sorts of sciences, Chemistry, Biology, Zoology etc.

What information does a designed operational capability statement provide?

Within the context of the Air Force, AFI 10-201, attachment 2 identifies six sections to a designed operational capability statement: A2.1.2.1. Section I, Unit Identification, includes the measured unit ANAME, HOGEO, a representative UTC of the unit type named on the DOC, and the six-character UIC. This section also includes the DOC Mission Title, DOCID, and Geographic Location Code (GEOLOC). A2.1.2.2. Section II, Mission Identification, includes a mission tasking narrative and mission specifics (i.e., response time and source, aircraft and missile mission-design-series (MDS), planning UTCs the unit is required to support for the unit's mission(s), direct support units' UICs, ANAME, and OPLAN(s) to which the unit is sourced to support). For weapon systems with a range of sortie rates and duration listed in the WMP-5, specify the single sortie rate and duration highlighted for planning purposes as the wartime flying scenario for SORTS in a unit SORTS DOC Statement, Section II, Part B. A2.1.2.3. Section III, MSRAs, will include the required measured resource areas. A2.1.2.4. Section IV of the SORTS DOC Statement (AFF 723) provides space for amplifying notes. Amplifying notes further guide unit SORTS monitors and commanders in understanding the scope of the desired SORTS report and additional details required accomplishing the report. A2.1.2.5. Section V, Gaining Commands. Lists initial AF gaining commands if the unit is to be under OPCON of another command after mobilization. A2.1.2.6. Section VI, Coordination and Review. Coordination blocks will be used for initial SORTS DOC Statement issue to capture interested parties' concurrence and the review blocks for annual review

Discuss the parts of the newspaper?

Newspapers are divided into sections. There is the front page that contains national new as well as important news from around the world. Usually big events are featured on the front page. There is a local section that gives local info and a state section that gives state news. The ads section containing ads of all sorts, comics, and life sections are also part of the newspapers. Not to mention the sports section.

How do you use 'Being out of sorts' in a sentence?

I think you can't use 'being' out of sorts I've been out of sorts and I'd like a chat. I'm feeling out of sorts.