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The baying of a hound sounds the same as a sea bay.

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Q: What sound does a hound make which is also an inlet of the sea?
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What sound does a hound make?

A hound typically makes a deep, baying sound. It is often described as a melodious howl or bark that carries over long distances.

What animal makes a baying sound?

The sound dogs make while howling is know as a bay or baying. Such as the deep prolonged howl of a hound dog as it finds the scent of something it is tracking.

Was the Flute always played on the side?

The air inlet of the concert flute is blown across at a right angle to make the sound. There are end driven flutes you play straight out from you.

What does a heckhound and snow serpent make from wizard101?

it will make an other heck hound in a higher breed if i am righthey i tried it out it does make a higher breed of a heck hound

What sound does hound make?

Hound dogs "bay"--aaarrrrrrOOOOO! That's the best I can do. Most hounds are the product of many generations of cross-breeding and in-breeding to produce certain hounds with certain qualities. Some hound breeders do not consider the dog a true hound if it doesn't bay. There are scent hounds (Bloodhound, Catahoula, Walker, Blue-tick, Plott) and sight hounds (Saluki, Borzoi, Greyhound) and some bay, some don't.

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a mule makes a sound that is similar to a donkey's but also has the whinnying characteristics of a horse

What are the two words make Intel?

They are elint and inlet.

What sond does a crow make?

Caw! That is if you mean the sound they make. They also have a weird sound for talking quietly to each other.

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Kinkajous make a shrieking sound or a load chirp. They also hiss like cats when upset

What element was used to make th hound look scary in Hound of Baskervilles?

The hound was painted with phosphorus. That made it glow in the dark. The sight scared many people wandering the moors at night.

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Squirrels make a chattering sound and also they make a hissing sound when they are angry. They make a sound like a dog barking, only it is a really high pitch.