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Q: What sources used to produce chemical biological radio logical nuclear or high yield explosives agents?
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What are the additional miscellaneous support and decontamination supplies used while sampling a chemical biological radiological nuclear or high yield explosives cbrne or suspected cbrne site?Read more: What_are_the_additional_miscellaneous_support_and_decontamination_supplies_used_while_sampling_a_chemical_biological_radiological_nuclear_or_high-yield_explosives_cbrne_or_suspected_cbrne_site

What are the additional miscellaneous support and decontamination supplies used while sampling a chemical biological radiological nuclear or high-yield explosives cbrne or suspected cbrne site?

What are the additional miscellaneous support and decontamination supplies used while sampling a chemical biological radiological nuclear or high yield explosives cbrne or suspected cbrne site?Read more: What_are_the_additional_miscellaneous_support_and_decontamination_supplies_used_while_sampling_a_chemical_biological_radiological_nuclear_or_high-yield_explosives_cbrne_or_suspected_cbrne_site

What are the additional miscellaneous support and decontamination supplies used while sampling a chemical biological radiological nuclear or high-yield explosives (CBRNE) or suspected CBRNE site?

What are the additional miscellaneous support and decontamination supplies used while sampling a chemical biological radiological nuclear or high yield explosives cbrne or suspected cbrne site?Read more: What_are_the_additional_miscellaneous_support_and_decontamination_supplies_used_while_sampling_a_chemical_biological_radiological_nuclear_or_high-yield_explosives_cbrne_or_suspected_cbrne_site

Any terrorist device that may contain biological agents nuclear material incendiaries chemical agents and compounds or explosives is known as what?

weapon of mass destruction

What is NBC in firefighting?

It stands for Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical.

What is a CBRN in the army?

Chemical, Biological, Radioactive, and Nuclear.

What are the goals the other major countries involved in nuclear biological weapons?

I know of no "nuclear biological" weapons, perhaps you meant nuclear, biological, chemical (NBC) weapons, which can be any one of these.

What does NB CD stands for in ships?

nuclear biological chemical defence

What does NBC mean in US military terminology?

Nuclear, biological and chemical weaponry.

Does a nuclear change result from a chemical reaction?

Nope. (Well, the chemical reaction of the high explosives in an A- or H-bomb warhead result in high pressure that then results in a nuclear change (BOOM), but that's a side-effect, not a direct result of the chemical change.)

What does CBIRF mean?

CBIRF stands for Chemical Biological Incident Response Force, and the Marines and Sailors there respond to chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear, or high-yield explosive (CBRNE) incidents.

What chemical are in a nuclear bomb?

Too many to list, from the fissile and fusiondble fuels, explosives, electronics, inert casing materials, etc.