

What space craft studied mercury?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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12y ago

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No, spacecraft till now has made it to Mercury as it wasn't allowed and was dangerous to life.

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Q: What space craft studied mercury?
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Has mercury ever been visited by a space craft?

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Is there space craft on Mercury?

No, not yet. The MESSENGER mission has flown by Mercury three times, and is planned to land on the surface during 2010.

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mercury is the nearest planet to the sun.the space craft mariner 10 who the one who took pictures on it

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The goal of the Mercury Space Program was to place a manned craft in orbit around the Earth, to determine how a person could function in space, and to bring those people back to Earth safely. The program was successful.

What is a space craft?

A space craft is an object in space such as a Spaceship or Satellite.

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As of 2014, only the U.S. has successfully explored and studied Mars. Countries like Japan have future space missions planned for 2015 and beyond.

Where did the craft maker studied?

As said the history of craft study centres was at holburne museum of art

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To an astronaut in a space craft, the sky appears to be black.

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