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Freedom fries :)

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Q: What special food gets eaten at the French Cannes Film Festival?
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It is eaten in the moon festival because taro has the same texture as the lotus in mooncakes.

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There are no specific foods that are eaten during Tu B'shvat but there is a tradition of eating fruits and nuts.

How do you write i have eaten in french?

how to write i have eaten in french: J'ai mange

How do you say we have eaten in french?

"We have eaten" = Nous avons mangé

Have you eaten French?


What is French cheese primarily eaten with?

French chese is primarily eaten with baguette, a type of French bread. It is delicious! In France, cheese and baguette is usually eaten after the main meal, before the dessert.Hope this helps!

Is there a special place were kosher s eaten?

No. Kosher is eaten everywhere.

What french foods are eaten in the UK?

they are.

Should french fries be eaten with your fingers?

Only when served at a fast food place otherwise they are eaten with a fork as the French originated it.

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