

What species are starfish?

Updated: 10/17/2022
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11y ago

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Starfish are Echinoderms, and there are many species in several orders.

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Q: What species are starfish?
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Is it true that there is one thousand six hundred know species starfish in the world?

There are 2,000 species of starfish.

Species of starfish?


What species do starfish belong to?

Starfish belong to the class Asteroidea within the phylum Echinodermata. They are characterized by their radial symmetry and typically have five arms, though some species can have more.

What is a starfish's species?

Echinodermata is the species name for starfishes

What are some types of starfish?

there are probably 100 diffrent kinds of starfish around the world

What is the star fish's family?

There are over 1,800 different species of starfish so to know which family a specific starfish is in, you would need to be more specific about which species of starfish you are referring to.

Who discovered starfish?

There is no record of who exactly discovered starfish. There are millions of starfish species in oceans all over the world.

Do starfish live on the ocean floor?

Yes starfish live on the ocean floor. Starfish are invertebrates and there are over 1500 different species of starfish in the world.

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Which group does a starfish come from?

keystone species

Who eats seastars?

Some types of starfish eat other smaller species of starfish, if that was what you were getting at.

Is the sunflower starfish an endangered species?

Yes they are endangered