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Q: What species of butterflies lay eggs?
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How many babies can a butterfly have at one time?

Many species of butterflies lay about 400 eggs. Some lay many more. Only 1 or 2 out of 100 eggs live to become adult butterflies.

On what type of plant do Monarch butterflies lay their eggs?

Most butterflies lay their eggs on plants that will be eaten by the caterpillar, when it hatches. Some species lay their eggs on the tops of leafs, some on the bottom, some at the leaf axils, some on flowers, and some on stalks

Why do butterflies lay their eggs in garbage?

Most butterflies don't lay their eggs in garbage. They typically lay their eggs on the plant that their caterpillars will feed on. Monarchs butterflies lay their eggs on milkweed plants. Spicebush swallowtails butterflies lay their eggs on Spicebush, Sassafras, Sweet Bay, and Prickly Ash. You get the idea. I don't know of any butterflies that lay their eggs in garbage, but if they do it is probably the type of garbage that their caterpillars would feed on.

How many eggs do butterflies lay?

How many eggs a female butterfly lays can vary slightly by species. On average a female butterfly lays 100 eggs at one time.

Do mail butterflies lay eggs?

No, the male flies do not lay eggs. Female flies are larger than male flies. The female flies lay over 900,000 eggs during their lifespan.

Where do butterfly lay there eggs?

Most butterflies lay their eggs on plants that will be eaten by the caterpillar, when it hatches. Some species lay their eggs on the tops of leafs, some on the bottom, some at the leaf axils, some on flowers, and some on stalks. Which species do which is not known in all cases.

Does butterfly lay eggs with shells?

You should know this, but if you don't, butterflies lay eggs on leaves. They are so smart, they know where to put their eggs. If the butterflies doesn't know and puts it in a random leaf, that could be a problem.

Does all butterflies lay their eggs in scattered bunches?

No, each species has its specific method/pattern of laying eggs. Some lay eggs singly, some in clusters, some in pyramids, others in stacks ... there are many patterns of laying eggs.

When do mother butterflies lay their eggs?


Do butterflies lay eggs on there abdomen?

No. Eggs are in their abdomens and they lay their eggs either on or near their host plants. Host plants are the plants that the caterpillars eat. Each butterfly has its own specific species of plant or plants that it can eat as a caterpillar.

How does butterflies give birth eggs or live birth?

Butterflies, like nearly all insects, lay eggs.

How many eggs does the female butterfly lay?

Butterflies may lay as few as several dozen eggs, or as many as several hundred, depending on the species. The number that hatch depend on the weather, the location in which they are laid, and the condition of the eggs themselves.