

What species of dolphins are becoming extinct?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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15y ago

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Yangzte river dolphin

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Q: What species of dolphins are becoming extinct?
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Are dolphins going extinct?

only one species of dolphins at this time that are going extinct are the pink river dolpinsHector's dolphins (New Zealand dolphins) are also in danger of becoming extinct. The endangered river dolphins are Amazon River dolphins, Ganges River dolphins, Chinese White dolphins, Indus River dolphins, and La Plata River dolphins.

What dolphins are becoming extinct?

Pink river dolphins

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They are not becoming extinct, in fact, they are quite abundant.

How are pink dolphins becoming extinct?

pink dolphines are becoming extinct by the number of oil spills

Why have dolphins becoming extinct?

thay haveint

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botel nose dolphins are becoming extinct because sharks are eating them.

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i think their not but some species might becoming extinct.

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You can adopt whales,dolphins and sharks. Doing so you would be helping t stop certain species becoming extinct. if you adopt a whale you will help stop some species become extinct

Are dolphins extinc?

In December 2006 The Baiji Dolphin (also known as the Yangtze River Dolphin) was considered functionally extinct. In August 2007 they were spotted in China. Dolphin species that is in danger of becoming extinct is the Indus River Dolphin (Pakistan). Less that 600 dolphins are left. The Ganges River Dolphin and the Amazon River Dolphin are considered threatened.

Are dolphins becoming extinct?

no,they are not there are still numerous of dolphins and lots of speciesbbut they are being hunted for their meit and skin

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