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you tell your science teacher to stop with the dumb projects.

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9y ago

Well this really depends on what area you live in. What town, county, area, state, region, country, hemisphere, and planet.

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Q: What species of plants and animals are native to the area you live in?
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Plants and animals that are not native to an area?

Species of plants and animals that are not native to a given ecosystems are called invasive species. They can be very threatening to other species.

What is an Introducing species?

A species that does not normally live in an area

What is the difference between introduced species and native species?

Native and indigenous are similar meaning words that refer to naturally growing plants, living animals, and even original inhabitants of a particular region.When using for animals, indigenous is used for species, while native is used for particular animals and not whole species.For human beings, both native and indigenous are used almost interchangeably.

Species that have naturally evolved in an area are called?

FAUNA are the animals that live in a certain area

What is the meaning of endemic animals?

Endemic species are native to a particular region and can only be found in that one area. Native species are naturally found in that region (i.e. they were not introduced there) but they are also found naturally occurring in other regions around the world.

Definition of exotic species?

Exotic species are animals that are not native to the area. Lions and giraffes are exotic animals in Ohio but not in Africa.

Area set aside to conserve plants and animals?

Nature preserves are areas set aside to conserve plants and animals. These areas offer protection to native plants and animals.

Difference between native and non native species?

The difference between native and non-native species is that native species are from that area and non-native species are not from that area.

What is the difference between a native species and an introduced species?

Native plants are plants that belong to an environment (they have evolved there). Exotic plants are plants that have been imported from elsewhere in the world and are not natural to the environment in which they are now living.

What is An area on your earth that shares the same climate and species of animals and plants is called?


If there was a law that prevents people from growing plants that do not occur naturally in your area why would they want only native plants to grow in the area?

Native plants might get extict, because introduce species shall get all the nutrients and water. They do not want the area to change. They want the area to be the same.

Differentiate Alien Species from Exotic Species?

An alien species is a species that is not native to an area. An exotic species is native to an area but not common.