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Both A and O blood types benefit from a diet high in deep ocean seafood and avoiding dairy. That is where any similarities end. Type O blood types thrive on a diet containing mostly protein while limiting dairy and grain. Type A types benefit from a mostly vegetarian diet limiting red meat.

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Q: What specific foods are beneficial for certain blood types, specifically Type A and Type O blood?
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What recipes should I follow if I have a certain blood type?

There is information from the medical community that suggests eating a diet specific to your blood type can be very beneficial. Blood type diets exist and are designed to help promote weight loss as well as help avoid certain foods that may promote a disease that is attributed to your specific blood type.

Are there specific diets based on blood type?

Each blood type does have certain foods that are more beneficial than others. For example type A is recommended to eat as vegetarian as the individual can tolerate. Eating foods that are not ideal for your blood type can cause symptoms raging from mild, such as tiredness, to extreme, such as joint pain and muscle fatigue.

Are there specific diets for those with O-positive blood?

Although I personally an unaware of any specific success from diets that are tailored specifically to blood type. There is a diet known as the "the blood-type diet" that claims to have had success with doing just that.

What diseases are common to specific blood types?

Malaria is one disease that is more prevelant in certain blood types than others. Another disease more prevelant is certain blood types would be cancer.

Where can I find information about eating by blood type? website is specifically designed to inform you on the definition of the Blood Type Diet. It covers everything from why these diets work for certain blood types to the types of foods will help you avoid certain ailments in the future.

Does realm of mad god have blood?

Static blood? Yes. Animated blood? No. You might find blood stains in certain dungeons (Spider Den, Undead Lair, etc.) but they're there specifically for decoration purposes.

Are there diets for a type o blood type?

Yes, there are specific diets made for particular blood types. They are commonly referred to as 'Blood Type Diets' and are based on the idea that certain foods or food groups agree better with certain blood types.

What is the specific diet of my blood type, blood type A?

For blood type A it would be beneficial to consume more vegetables, fruits, and fish. Dairy products and red meat should be taken in moderation. It is also advisable to do light exercises for a person who has a blood type A.

Where are guidelines for eating by blood type?

There are no foods or specific diets based on blood type alone that have been proven to have significant beneficial effects. The best diet for any blood type is a fruit/vegetable rich, lean protein based diet.

Which blood type is most likely to prevent disease?

There is no specific blood type that will prevent disease. All blood types each have their resilience to certain diseases but also have weakness to other diseases.

Does blood type differ by race?

Blood type cannot tell what race a person is. Forensics using blood to extract DNA samples that can be helpful in determining a person's race. This is done because certain races have been linked to specific codes that produce certain physical attributes that have been correlated to certain races.

Why is blood beneficial for the body?

So you can live. Blood carries nutrient through out your body.