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A private variable is something that is not visible outside the class.

A private class is one that cannot be inherited

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Q: What specifies private access modifier and private base class?
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Which is java default access specifier?

There is no such thing as an access specifier in Java. There are access modifiers.The default access modifier if unspecified is to allow access to classes in the current package only, except within an interface where the default is 'public'

Explain different access modifier in java?

An Access Modifier is a key word in java that determines what level of access or visibility a particular java variable/method or class has. There are 4 basic access modifiers in java. They are: 1. Public 2. Protected 3. Default and 4. Private Private is the most restrictive access modifier whereas public is the least restrictive. Default is the access protection you get when you do not specifically mention an access modifier to be used for a java object.

What is mean by accessibility?

Class access is the ability for any given class to access the functions of another class. Private access limits access to data and code just to the class that contains the private access modifier. The so-called "default" access grants private access, as well as access to any class in the same package. Protected access grants the same as "default" access, and also allows subclasses to access the code and data. Public access allows any class in any package to access the code and data.

What is mean by class access?

Class access is the ability for any given class to access the functions of another class. Private access limits access to data and code just to the class that contains the private access modifier. The so-called "default" access grants private access, as well as access to any class in the same package. Protected access grants the same as "default" access, and also allows subclasses to access the code and data. Public access allows any class in any package to access the code and data.

Can you access in drive class from base class private data?

Base class should no knowledge about derived classes. The "private" modifier on a data member means private to the class which defined it. Base class cannot directly reference/access the private data member of the derived class, and the derived classes cannot access the private data member defined in the base class. Either way the accessing the private data member should be done via properties or getters

Java Which access modifier is preferred for instance variables?

Usually Private is the preferred access modifier for instance variables. Benefits: 1. No other class can access this variable directly. They can do only through the getter/setter methods 2. Only the methods in that particular class can use this variable

Difference friend and public access modifier?

In C++, a friend function or friend class can grant access to its private data members to other classes. The public member allows any class to access that data.

Which access modifier makes an element available anywhere to any class?

The public access modifier will make an element available to any class.

What is acess spacifier in java?

An Access Modifier is a key word in java that determines what level of access or visibility a particular java variable/method or class has. There are 4 basic access modifiers in java. They are: 1. Public 2. Protected 3. Default and 4. Private Private is the most restrictive access modifier whereas public is the least restrictive. Default is the access protection you get when you do not specifically mention an access modifier to be used for a java object.

Discuss the different level of access protection in java?

An Access Modifier is a key word in java that determines what level of access or visibility a particular java variable/method or class has. There are 4 basic access modifiers in java. They are: 1. Public 2. Protected 3. Default and 4. Private Private is the most restrictive access modifier whereas public is the least restrictive. Default is the access protection you get when you do not specifically mention an access modifier to be used for a java object.

What is meant by private visibilty of a method?

It means that the method is visible from only within the current method. Also, any class that wants to use or invoke the private method has to create an object of the class in which the method is created in order to access/invoke it. The private access modifier is the most restrictive of the four java access modifiers. The total opposite of private is public which gives access to everyone.

Are the private access specifiers in Java and C plus plus the same?

No.In Java, the private access modifier restricts member access to the class in which the member is declared. But in C++, private members are also accessible to friends of the class in which they are declared. The rough equivalent in Java would be package private access.Not that Java doesn't have access specifiers, it has access modifiers. When no modifier is specified, default access is implied, which is package private for classes and public for interfaces.